As Seen On : Morgan Avery

[intro + interview by kayla doyle]

This time of year is classically known as the month where we set out to make change. We, with resolution and determination, head out steadfastly in our intentions: be more present, wake up earlier, meditate and read more, watch and scroll less, eat differently, floss more. 

That was mine this January 2020; floss more. 

Morgan Avery, a local personal chef and food-lifestyle coach, recently spoke to Amy and I about this; the traditional approach to “dieting” and the pressure we often place on ourselves, our bodies, and our expectations, especially this time of year. 

As you will observe, Morgan spoke quite eloquently about tuning into ourselves and what we really need/want. For example, sometimes it is a plant-based, brown-rice bowl of goodness and other times, it’s a cookie that our body is calling for. It can be, as Morgan so simply stated, a series of nudges that we follow, nudges that lead us towards something that is nourishing and satisfying. These little pushes to listen come up in all areas; our careers, our personal lives, our relationships, our eating and the food that we put in our bodies, our dental health. 

Morgan, thanks for sharing all that you shared - I admire your passion and your ease towards yourself. For myself, writing this brought into light a few nudges; one of which was a nudge to go and floss. 

In shedding guilt and micro-change,  



Morgan, can you share a little bit about you and your business and your approach as you work with clients? 

In 2011, I traded in my Standard American Diet (SAD) and began eating plant based. I mostly did it for animal welfare reasons, but I soon noticed that my skin was clearer, my sleep was better, my chronic stomach pains went away, my mind was sharper, and I felt stronger and good in my body. I was a foodie, but not much of a cook, so my new way of eating required that I acquire some kitchen skills. The more I learned, the more I was blown away by the innovation of the plant based culinary world. Pulled pork made from a fruit? Cheese made from nuts?! Since then, my curiosity has only expanded and it became my mission to help other people feel empowered around food and experience the benefits of eating more plants. Now, as a personal chef, I get to do that every day! I offer meal prep services, private chef services, cooking lessons and classes, health coaching, and have a deep interest in the intersection of food and culture, the environment, and personal and societal improvement.

My philosophy around food is quite relaxed, actually. It’s not about perfection, or slapping a label on yourself and your habits, but rather cultivating a healthier relationship with self and with food. Eating well isn’t about deprivation, it’s about taking care of yourself in the most fundamental ways. Sometimes that means a nutrient-dense plant heavy meal, and sometimes that means having a cookie.

What has driven you to do the work that you do?

I have simply followed the nudges which come in the form of passion, curiosity, and ideas. First, I found a way of eating and living that drastically improved my life in a multitude of ways. Then, I realized how many people suffer and struggle in these areas. Naturally, I felt called to help and put my own passion and skills to work in a way that benefits others. I don’t know where this path will lead me next, but I know that I will always follow those little hints.

What would you like to share anything about your own health journey?    

Changing my diet and health was the catalyst for feeling empowered in other areas of my life. I remember believing that I would likely die of cancer, because cancer was common on both sides of my family. This was such a dis-empowering belief, to think that my health was out of my hands!  The reality is that we have much more control over our genetic destiny than previously believed. My mindset around food and my health has changed from powerless, to powerful. This is what I want for everyone.

Food can be a meditative and spiritual practice (i.e. paying respect to the process of growing, cultivating, and preparing the food). What is your experience in working with food? Have you found this at all? And has your relationship to food changed or shifted?  

This is a great question. I definitely find that my days in the kitchen are often therapeutic. Bringing mindfulness to my cooking is one reason why I love it so much.  I notice the sound of sizzling on the stove, the aroma of fresh herbs, the textures and tastes. I believe that my own energy gets infused into the food I create, so it’s very important to me that I take care of myself in that way. Working with seasonal food from local farms helps connect both myself and my clients to our environment, the land we call home. And without a doubt, eating nourishing nutrient dense foods helps to “clear our vessel” and open us up to our own wisdom. There’s a huge link between food and spirituality and I am endlessly fascinated by it.

How did you come to connect with Amy? What brought you together? 

Amy and I met on a paddle boarding tour a few years ago! She was with a group of girlfriends, and I was leading the tour. It was my first day, too! I am so glad we met :)

What piece of Amy’s can you be seen wearing? How do you typically wear these pieces?

I am ALWAYS wearing the tension earrings. They’re my favorite because they’re so simple and go with everything. I don’t wear much jewelry (not even my weddings rings haha!) but I always have these earrings in. My favorites are the delta tension earrings, and I also love the half moons. Oh! And the straight pin threaders! 99% of the time, I am dressed very simply and love that I found Amy’s jewelry which perfectly complements that. I also find that even when I do dress up, these simple earrings are still the perfect adornment, so they’re very versatile!

More information about Morgan, her food and wellness programs can be found at , and her Instagram feed is a also great resource for yummy recipes and healthy inspiration. If you are interested in attending one of Morgan’s classes, she will be teaching at Stonewall Kitchen Cooking School on May 23, July 18 + September 19 this year.

And lucky you! Since Morgan gave us 3 ASO faves, the delta tension earrings, half moon tension earrings. and straight pin threaders are all 20% off at check out. Click HERE to shop now [ a little thank you for letting us share our story with you, and for reading until the end! ]

If you or someone you know wears Amy’s pieces and is interested in being featured in our “Ode to the Wearers", please reach out to us. We’d love to learn more about you and what you wear.


As Seen On : Kate McAfee


As Seen On : Shana Holub